熱分析装置 / Thermal Analyser


アルミ溶湯の熱分析 / 熔化铝的热分析 / Thermal analysis of molten aluminum


一般的なアルミ溶湯用の熱分析装置では、過冷却温度差や凝固時間から清浄度を導き出します。10年前に参考になる製品がない状況で開発し相手先ブランドによる供給を続けてきた製品仕様です。この度、KANAE では更に新規でかつ独自の分析アルゴリズムの開発に成功。これにもとづく熱分析装置の製造、販売を開始し致しました。

熔融金属的热分析是一种古老的方法,在铸铁中非常普遍,据说测定C%和Si%的渗透率为100%。 然而,在铝方面,它仍然处于起步阶段。 现在是开始使用它并有所作为的时候了,因为它已被许多人描述为车间里不可或缺的东西,并开始受到研究人员的重视

典型的熔融铝热分析器的清洁度来自于欠冷温度和凝固时间的差异,这一规格是在10年前没有参考产品的情况下制定的,并一直以合作伙伴的品牌提供。 目前,KANAE已经成功地开发了一种新的、独特的分析算法。 目前,KANAE已经开发出一种新的、独特的分析算法,并开始生产和销售基于这种算法的热分析仪。

Thermal analysis of molten metal is an ancient analysis method, and is commonly used in cast iron to measure C% and Si%, with a popularity rate of 100%. For aluminum, however, it is still in its infancy. Now is the time to start using it and make a difference, as it is beginning to be appreciated by researchers.

In general, thermal analyzers for molten aluminum derive cleanliness from the difference in undercooling temperature and solidification time, a product specification that was developed 10 years ago when there were no products to refer to, and has been supplied by a partner brand. Now, KANAE has succeeded in developing a new and unique analysis algorithm. KANAE has succeeded in developing a new and unique analysis algorithm and has started to manufacture and sell thermal analyzers based on this algorithm.




清浄度判定のみはもう古い / 仅有的清洁度评估已经过时了 / Just cleanliness assessment is out of date


KANAE の独自分析アルゴリズム(特許申請予定)では、鋳造性(不良が起きにくい指標)を判定します。もちろん、現場で使用されてきたさまざまな指標(K値やPoDFAなど)の相関値も計算して表示しますので、これまで技術部門や現場でされてきた定量分析とも親和性があります。


到目前为止,分析方法都是偏向于确定清洁度。 人们认为,如果消除了夹杂物,那么就不会出现缺陷。 然而,现在人们知道,即使你努力提高焊剂处理的清洁度,仍然会出现其他缺陷。

KANAE独特的分析算法(正在申请专利)决定了可铸性(对缺陷的抵抗力的一种衡量)。 当然,它还可以计算和显示各种指数(K值、PoDFA等)的相关值,这些指数已在现场使用,所以它与技术部门和现场的定量分析是兼容的。


Until now, analysis methods have been biased toward determining cleanliness. This is because it was thought that if inclusions were eliminated, defects would not occur. However, it is now known that even if the cleanliness is improved by flux treatment, other defects can occur.

KANAE's unique analysis algorithm (patent pending) determines the castability (an index that prevents defects from occurring). Of course, it also calculates and displays the correlation values of various indices (K-value, PoDFA, etc.) that have been used in the field, so it is compatible with the quantitative analysis that has been done in the engineering department and field.

We provide not only good/bad judgments and score evaluations, but also numerical values and indicators for those who want to understand in detail. By analyzing the transitions in the values and indicators, you will be able to understand the state of the molten metal and the effect of the previous treatment (flux or modifier).

現場でも十分に扱えます / 它可以在现场使用 / It can also be used in the field.




它很容易使用。 只需将带有内置热电偶的杯子固定在支架上(提供),然后倒入熔化的水。 测量是由熔融金属的浇注自动触发的。


按时间或按炉子进行的热分析也可在以后用于分析与缺陷率的相关性。 还提供了一个培训计划,以帮助你开始工作,因此你可以从简单的应用开始,并积累你的技能。

It is easy to use. Attach the cup with the built-in thermocouple to the stand (accessory) and pour in molten water. The measurement is automatically triggered by the pouring of molten metal.

Judgment can be completed in 5 to 6 minutes, so the system can be used to judge hot water supply on site.

Also, by applying thermal analysis by time of day or by furnace, the correlation with the defect rate can be analyzed later. Training programs are also available to help organizations acquire and accumulate skills while starting with simple applications.



タフ構造 / 坚韧的结构 / Tough Structure




有写保护,以防止嵌入式操作系统被破坏。 它不能被重写,因此不能被病毒感染。

由于使用了低发热的部件,所以没有冷却风扇。 坚固的结构,即使在多尘的环境中也不会破损。


Write-protection is implemented to prevent the embedded OS from being corrupted. Since it cannot be rewritten, it cannot be infected by viruses.

No cooling fan due to the use of components that generate little heat. Tough structure that will not break even in dusty environments.

Can be operated by touch panel.

日本語版 / English Version / 中文(简体字)版本


First, the Japanese headquarter should determine the quality control index of molten metal using this thermal analyzer. If the molten metal at the overseas plant is of the same quality as that of the referenced Japanese plant, the same analysis values will be displayed even if the country is different. The English or Chinese version of the thermal analyzer can then be used to allow local staff to operate this thermal analyzer. This makes it possible to control molten metal quality at overseas plants from the head office in Japan. The reverse is also true: the English- or Chinese-speaking headquarters can control the quality of molten metal in the Japanese and other countries' plants.



KN-TA01 TypeL

Laptop, external temperature controller and cup stand w/ extension cord, etc.

Laptop-level construction and poor dust resistance

Type K thermocouple (temperature range: 0~1,379°C / accuracy: +/- 1.1°C or 0.4%)

HS Code: 9027.80 (Other Instrument and Apparatus)


KN-TA01 TypeT

Embedded pc w/ touch screen & external temperature controller, and cup stand w/ extension cord, etc.

Tough construction, and original enclosure w/ dust resistance

Type K thermocouple (temperature range: 0~1,379°C / accuracy: +/- 1.1°C or 0.4%)

HS Code: 9027.80 (Other Instrument and Apparatus)



一つの座標(x, y)の入力毎に⚫︎を追加して散布図を更新しますので、溶湯状態の遷移が可視化されます。SLSがx座標、SSPCがy座標です。

Python 3実行環境

Google Colaboratory(Chrome用)
※無料で利用できます。Googleアカウントは必要。Mac / PC上のブラウザで動きます。実行時にネットワーク接続が必要です。

Pythonista 3(iOS / iPadOS用)

Pydroid 3(Android用)

仕様 / 规格 / Specification

型番:KN-TA01 TypeT / KN-TA01 TypeL
寸法:W323 x D103 x H308(mm)
定格:100〜240V(100V / 3.7A Max)